Since its inception, Speak Life September has helped transform over 1000 individuals . We have testimonies in different parts of the world, and are ready to welcome you in our journey this year. 

Our previous journal and course focused on healing. As we worked through it, we explored our wounds (new and old), asked the difficult question of what happened to us, and confronted traumas we thought we had long forgotten. Some of you may have been surprised by how exhausting it was. Healing is exhausting work. It can knock the wind out of you. Most of us didn’t anticipate how much rest we would need in the process. But being tired is a good sign; it means energy is being excreted and work is being done. Rest is essential for the body’s natural healing process. So, it makes sense that we need rest even when we do emotional work.

Most of us have been conditioned to think we don’t deserve rest. We find ourselves feeling guilty for needing rest. I believe this is a trauma response and in one way or another, we’ve all survived some form of trauma. Don’t count yourself out because you compare your trauma to someone else’s; your pain matters, no matter how insignificant it may seem compared to another person’s. Trauma wreaks havoc on our system, causing it to malfunction and become irregular. Adequate rest restores regulation, allowing us to move between states of activation and relaxation. As an ambitious and goal-driven woman, I am happy to share that leisure, rest and slow

living are no longer negotiable for me. They are a necessity and an absolutepleasure! This way of living has led me to this year’s theme, FLOURISH.

Why Speak Life September?

1. Community support 2. Personal growth 3. Structured guidance 4. Accountability 5. Transformation

Is Speak Life September for you?

Are you constantly asking yourself these questions?

What am I supposed to be doing here?

The course can inspire you to find your purpose and meaning. This is done over a long period of time, but our tools and contributors will ignite something in you. 

How do I become more at peace?

One of the hardest things we encounter on our wellness journey is being at peace with ourselves. The course is designed to help you accept where you are at and set goals for where you need to be. 

How do I get out of survival mode?

We are often taught how to survive, but not often how to thrive. We live in a society where our misery is a commodity that is used against us, in Speak life September we look at your wellness, your joy and how you can plan for those. 

'Being part of the Speak Life community is more than just participating in activities—it’s about finding a supportive network that motivates and uplifts you every single day.’ Nontobeko

Meet The Course Contributors

This year we have incredible contributors for the course and their expertise will help you carve out a ‘ Flourish Plan’ for yourself.

Lwanele Khasu is a Clinical Psychologist and her module will be focusing on flourishing from within by asking what is right with you. 

Zuraida Jardine is a  Media personality,  MC and integrative wellbeing strategist.Her module will be focused on the power of slowing down. 

Ntandoyenkosi Kunene is the former Miss South Africa 2016 , an MBA Graduate, speaker and coach. Her module will be focused on cultivating confidence and living authentically. 

Sign Up Now

Sign up below to be a part of this year’s Transformation Course.




A Journal

Flourish Cards

4 Master Classes

Live Sessions


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"I had such a wonderful experience with the Speak Life September course, the journals were on their own healing. I enjoyed reading through the journal it felt really personal and at home. I was forced to reflect & do the internal work. I am so happy I did, now I am reaping from my investment."

Charmaine Shalumbu

Become Part Of Our 30 day Speak Life September Course Now


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